Dolly Parton lies. There's no such thing as working 9 to 5. Or so I am learning now that I have entered "big girl" world. Really, I am just trying to find an excuse for my lack of blogging.
I've got a few things to post, but for tonight I will leave you a list of what our house has been up to:
1 - Work, work, and more work
2 - A surprise trip to the Queen City for Lauren's birthday
3 - We've booked a trip to Iowa to visit my law school friends in mid-October
4 - I've plotted our elopement (kidding Mom)
5 - We've met new friends here in the country - yay!
6 - We taught Whiskey to sit and retrive
7 - We registered for wedding presents
8 - And we have done a little more working...
Have a great week my loves! xoxo