Friday, February 15, 2013

2 Months and Counting...

I have been more than absent from my blog as of late.  Actually, I have been absent from just about everything except work.  Big girl livin' is rough.  Daily, Zack wants to throw my phone (specifically my email application on my phone) out the window.  To his dismay, it is here to stay.  Momma has to pay the bills.

Now to the wedding... 

In case you have missed my constant Facebook updates regarding the social event of the year, otherwise known as our wedding, we are now under the 2 month mark.  Basically, all the planning is done.  I worked really hard at planning this wedding.  In other words, I called a wedding planner and let her handle it.  All vendors have been picked, now we just have to dot the i's and cross the t's.

The only thing in regards to wedding planning that isn't coming along well is the "pre-wedding diet."  I do have the diet soda police at work though.  Every time I go to the fridge, the police stops me.  It is a start at least!

So, for all my married gals, tell me what pre-wedding diet/cleanse/etc that worked for you.

I'll leave you with a picture of the best four-legged guy around.  He was big pimpin for Valentine's Day.  Doggie Daycare even gave him a treat bag and he participated in the gift exchange (all participating dogs brought one gift and exchanged with a dog friend).  My gift was a last minute purchase on my lunch break that I kind of just threw at them the morning of, unlike the stay-at-home dog moms who had the perfect gift bag, tissue paper, and the works.  My future kids are doomed.       

