Wednesday, March 5, 2014


While I was in law school, I considered exercise to be walking down to the gym in my complex and jogging on the treadmill for 15 minutes or walking instead of calling a cab after leaving dinner (you know, walking 10 blocks in stilettos is hard work).  

After starting work, I really didn't exercise at all.  I started scuba diving last spring and that at least helped me get out of the house and explore another world.  Then, in late October/ early November, my friend Kylene asked me to try CrossFit with her.  We tried a workout on a Saturday and I couldn't move for what felt like days afterwards.  The rest is history...

I now go approximately 5 days a week.  When I went to the grocery store tonight after the gym to buy groceries (or beer actually), I had on a headband and a sweatshirt that both said CrossFit on them.  This struck up a conversation with an employee of the store that asked me about it.  "Why do it" was the gist of the conversation?


It forces you to push yourself to a place that you did not know you could go to.

It takes you out of your comfort zone.

It forces you to rid yourself of everything bad that happened in the day and think only about that next rep, that next step, and so forth.

It makes you accountable to others because if you don't go, someone will stalk you down on social media and see to it that you are back the next day.

And last, but not'll find a family.  When you have done more box jumps than you ever want to think about again, there will always be that person yelling at you that you can do it and to get back on that box.    

Will I be the next person to make it to the games?  No.  Will I look and feel a hell of a lot better in a pair of skinny jeans or a suit?  Absolutely. 

Photo Credit:  Maggie Selzer

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Valentine's Day Weekend

If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you likely heard all my whining about a New York trip that didn't happen.  To make the story short, winter storm, Pax, and I are not friends - not even remotely.  When I figured out all of our flights were cancelled, I spent the next few hours trying to get us anywhere in America, basically.  The list includes:  Dallas, Chicago, Miami, etc.  Plane travel wasn't happening.  By Friday morning at 6am, Zack made the executive decision that we were driving further South to good ole' faithful Charleston.

Because it was the weekend of love, hotel availability was minimal, but I was somehow able to snag a room at the Charleston Place with a balcony overlooking King Street.

The Charleston Place basically sits above the Shops of Charleston, which include a Louis Vuitton and a Gucci (enough said, right?).  We had not made any dinner reservations because of our planned trip to visit those yankees up North, but we were in luck that the concierge makes reservations under fake names.  Who knew?  Friday night we went to a new place called the Grocery - think the Chef and the Farmer for those who live locally.  On Saturday night, we went to Hall's Chophouse.  I don't think the food could have been better.  When we walked into Hall's, we were greeted by the owner.  At the end of the night, he was giving us shots.  They get two thumbs up in my book.

During the day on Saturday, we walked through the Market, down to the Battery, and back to King Street to exercise my shopping skills.  I convinced Zack I needed Lululemon pants.  When I came out of the fitting room, I noticed that a blonde salesclerk had convinced him that he too needed his own Lululemon.  I didn't tell him when he stepped away that she was complimenting how well dressed he was -- he already spends enough time on his wardrobe selections.

At the end of the day, my over-planned, swank NYC trip was a bust, but Charleston was perfection.  It doesn't hurt that I also ate like $48 worth of Godiva chocolate covered strawberries.


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Workout Clothing

Anytime you stick with a gym or a workout program, workout clothes become a necessity and if you are me, the cuter they are, the better.  Functionality is also somewhat important, as I am learning every time I have to do a burpee and I don't want my pants to fall down.  I have spent 30 seconds of a workout trying to pull my pants back into place and if you are as slow as I am, you don't have 30 seconds to spare.

My favorite finds are below:

I don't think I have ever owned anything by Reebox, but this jacket is lightweight and fun at the same time.  It fits true to size and isn't baggy.  You can buy it anywhere that Reebox is sold and it can typically be found on sale.      

Target has some of the best workout clothes at affordable prices in my opinion.  I have this pullover in a variety of colors.  These pants are also from Target and I think they are a great alternative to some of the more expensive workout pants.  They are about $20 and come in a variety of colors.  To me, they are similar to the Nike Dri-Fit pants, which are my favorite, but tend to be much pricer.  

I get a lot of questions about these pants and they are Nike.  The print is ridiculous, which makes them even better.  I try to just wear a black top when I wear them, so my husband isn't embarrassed.  
What are your favorites?  

I also must ask if the lululemon pricing is worth it.  My American Express feels a little uneasy about $100+ yoga pants.    

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Newlywed Life

I have been neglecting this blog for a very long time now (opps).  Zack and I are living at full speed ahead.  Since the wedding, we have done a lot of working and a little bit of playing.

So, here's a little trip down memory lane since we have gotten married -

We both learned to scuba dive (after I almost drowned in the deep end of the pool).  We have been to a depth of 130ft at this point, and we have seen some of the most historic shipwrecks off the coast.  Zack had a little encounter with a jellyfish and one of our closest friends suffered a broken leg, but we have managed the seas otherwise unscathed.  Can it be summer again, please?    

We practically criss-cross the roads going between Charlotte, Raleigh, and the Carolina coast.  Say what you may, but I love this state.  We have been to Topsail beach, Ocean Isle Beach, and Emerald Isle this year.  We also went back to our alma mater for a basketball game just a week ago and I got my "city" fix by staying in North Hills.  If you are visiting Raleigh or just want a fun place to stay, the Renaissance North Hills has my vote.          

I started Crossfit.  Yes, it is addictive.  Yes, everyone who starts it likes to talk about it.  After years of no exercise, it was time do something, and I don't like to do anything on a small scale.  So, I started Crossfit, and while I am a long way from where I want to be, I am a hell of a long way from where I started.

We have spent countless Sundays screaming at the television for the Carolina Panthers.  I tried to convince Zack that I needed to go to the Super Bowl.  Basically, I told him it was a bucket list item and that I had to go (and go this year).  Then, I looked up the prices.  Needless to say, if my Panthers make it, I will be watching it on the television.

What is on tap for 2014 you may ask?

Well, definitely more of the above.  I would like to hop down to Charleston soon.  Maybe, go somewhere tropical for our 1st anniversary.  Save money for a house of our own.  AND - just love my husband!  

I get the baby question on the daily.  No, I am not pregnant.  Yes, we want to have children.  No, I am not ready just yet.

I'll be back soon.

Love,  Rachel  

While you are at it in 2014, do a little dance..
Photo Credit:  Kristin Vining